Bitar, Mohammad and Tarazi, Amine,(2019), Creditor rights and bank capital decisions:Conventionalvs.Islamic banking. , JournalofCorporateFinance, UNSPECIFIED
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Using a sample of banks operating in 24 countries, we provide robust evidence that stronger creditorrightsareassociatedwithhighercapitaladequacyratiosforconventionalbanksbutnot for Islamic banks. Such results suggest that, under stronger creditor protection, only the managers of conventional banks increase equity, presumably as a means of signalling better monitoringeffortsandofavoidinglossofcontrol.ApossiblereasonforthefindingthatIslamicbanks donotgenerallyincreaseequityisthat,undertheprofitlosssharing(PLS)principle,depositors shareprofitsandlosseswiththebank.Theroleofcreditorprotectionishenceirrelevantinan Islamic banking context. However, we show that in predominantly non-Muslim countries with lesscompetitivemarkets,Islamicbanksshowasimilarassociationbetweencreditorrightsand capitalratiosasconventionalbanks.
Keywords : | Creditorrights Marketpower Religion Bankcapitalratios Islamicbanks, UNSPECIFIED |
Journal or Publication Title: | JournalofCorporateFinance |
Number: | 55 |
Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | Ekonomi Islam |
Depositing User: | Nila Nurjanah |
Date Deposited: | 13 Dec 2019 07:59 |
Last Modified: | 17 Jun 2020 04:38 |
URI: | |