Accounting for sovereign tail risk in emerging economies: The role of global and domestic risk factors.
Assessing the global productive efficiency of Chinese banks using the cross-efficiency interval and VIKOR.
Do financial structures affect exchange rate and stock price interaction? Evidence from emerging markets.
Does global fear predict fear in BRICS stock markets? Evidence from a Bayesian Graphical Structural VAR model.
Does quality of innovation, culture and governance drive FDI?:Evidence from emerging markets.
Extreme dependence and risk spillovers between oil and Islamic stock markets.
Immunity and infection: Emerging and developed market sovereign spreads over the Global Financial Crisis.
Impact of wage rigidity on sovereign credit rating.
Liquidity and macroeconomic management in emerging markets.
Local currency systemic risk.
Risk contribution of the Chinese stock market to developed markets in the post-crisis period.
A tripartite inquiry into volatility-efficiency-integration nexus - case of emerging markets.