Items where Journal is Business Horizons

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Number of items: 69.


Blockchain adoption: A value driver perspective.

Gender diversity issues in the IT industry: How can your sourcing group help?

Muddling through cybersecurity: Insights from the U.S. healthcare industry.

Opening up strategy formulation: Benefits, risks, and some suggestions.


Exploring job crafting: Diagnosing and responding to the ways employees adjust their jobs.

Flatlined: Combatting the death of retail stores.

Types of mindfulness in an age of digital distraction.

What the hack? A growth hacking taxonomy and practical applications for firms.

The double-edged impact of social media on online trading: Opportunities, threats, and recommendations for organizations.


The Internet of Things (IoT) in retail:Bridging supply and demand.

Resolving the jeopardies of consumer demand: Revisiting demarketing concepts.

Transforming a traditional research organization through public entrepreneurship.

The digitalization triumvirate: How incumbents survive.


Collaborative business models: Aligning and operationalizing alliances.

Toward the workplace of the future: How organizations can facilitate digital work.


How to demotivate your top performers:Lessons from professional cricket.


Internationalization of emerging-economy new ventures: The role of within-country differences.

An interview with Chuck Martin on the Internet of Things.


Creating an innovative digital project team: Levers to enable digital transformation.

So you’re moving to Canada: A personal income tax primer for Americans living in Canada.

Strategic decisions in turbulent times:Lessons from the energy industry.


Beyond Bitcoin: What blockchain and distributed ledger technologies mean for firms.

Faking ISO 9001 in China: An exploratory study.

Is transparency a good thing? How online price transparency and variability can benefit firms and influence consumer decision making.

Strategies for creating value through individual and collective customer experiences.

Tortoise, not the hare: Digital transformation of supply chain business processes.


Managing for competency with innovation change in higher education: Examining the pitfalls and pivots of digital transformation.


Innovation leadership: Best-practice recommendations for promoting employee creativity, voice, and knowledge sharing.

Introducing a ‘stop-doing’ culture: How to free your organization from rigidity.

Predicting the future of disruptive technologies: The method of alternative histories.

Siri, Siri, in my hand: Who’s the fairest in the land? On the interpretations,illustrations, and implications of artificial intelligence.

Strategic initiative portfolios: How to manage strategic challenges better than one at a time.

Strategic initiative portfolios: How to manage strategic challenges better than one at a time.


Am I an entrepreneur? How imposter fears hinder women entrepreneurs’ business growth.

Crisis leadership in economic recession: A three-barrier approach to offset external constraints.

Editor’s Perspective : It takes a village to protect privacy.

Make pricing power a strategic priority for your business.

A decentralized token economy: How blockchain and cryptocurrency can revolutionize business.


How blockchain technologies impact your business model.

How intelligent is Watson? Enabling digital transformation through artificial intelligence.

It’s real, trust me! Establishing supply chain provenance using blockchain.

Toward a better understanding of corporate accelerator models.

What if you ask and they say yes? Consumers’ willingness to disclose personal data is stronger than you think.

The macro problem of microtransactions:The self-regulatory challenges of video game loot boxes.


Brexit and the Trump Era: The future of IFRS.


How to select an export mode without bias.


Building a global corporate social responsibility program via mergers and acquisitions: A managerial framework.

Evaluation of workplace lactation support among employers in two Pennsylvania cities.

Forget about ‘the ideal worker’: A theoretical contribution to the debate on flexible workplace designs, work/life conflict, and opportunities for gender equality.

In bot we trust: A new methodology of chatbot performance measures.

On the economic and social benefits of direct selling.


In the trenches: Making your work meetings a success.

Rivalry between emerging-market MNEs and developed-country MNEs: Capability holes and the race to the future.


Competing in digital ecosystems.

Creating a tribal approach for innovation in organizations.

Workplace incivility against women in STEM: Insights and best practices.

The disintegration of lean manufacturing and lean management.

The importance of culture and support for workplace flexibility: An ecological framework for understanding flexibility support structures.

The value of protecting privacy.


Crossing the chasm: Leadership nudges to help transition from strategy formulation to strategy implementation.

Embedded ethics: How complex systems and structures guide ethical outcomes.

From disruptively digital to proudly analog: A holistic typology of digital transformation strategies.

Implementing big data strategies:A managerial perspective.

Is it U.S. GAAP or IFRS? Understanding how R&D costs affect ratio analysis.

Trustmarks: Strategies for exploiting their full potential in e-commerce.


Factors that influence new generation candidates to engage with and complete digital, AI-enabled recruiting.


Robust services: People or processes?

Team challenges: Is artificial intelligence the solution?

A new way to look at an old problem: International joint venture partner selection via constrained systematic search.

This list was generated on Wed Feb 12 11:07:37 2025 WIB.